Harper Vearing

Harper Vearing

Message of Support

My name is Harper, I am eight, and I’ve got PTSD and there are things we don’t remember but our bodies do and it is scary. Every day I try to fight through the pain of getting bullied and getting rejected and the people not believing me. I’m in grade 3 but still every day I try my hardest get through this pain. That’s my life story. Those who think that PTSD or mental health are fake need to try to understand. And don’t be afraid to show your real life.

Harper Vearing

Message of Support

My name is Harper, I am eight, and I’ve got PTSD and there are things we don’t remember but our bodies do and it is scary. Every day I try to fight through the pain of getting bullied and getting rejected and the people not believing me. I’m in grade 3 but still every day I try my hardest get through this pain. That’s my life story. Those who think that PTSD or mental health are fake need to try to understand. And don’t be afraid to show your real life.

Total Raised


Total Distance


Distance Goal


Support My Walk for Mental Health Research

Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience symptoms of mental illness each year?

In fact, every day in Australia, 9 people will die by suicide.

Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. 

This October, I’ll be taking part in One Foot Forward to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide.

I'm walking to raise funds for Black Dog Institute, so that they can put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

It would mean so much to me if you donated to support my walk.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

My impact over 1 year

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My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Graham Robinson



Good on you Harper!! You have a good heart to help others. Love Aunty Jean



Well done Harper-Lee!


Caroline King

Good luck Harper… you will smash it



Go Harper!!!


Sue And Joe

Good on you - keep walking Harper


Allison Guest

You are amazing Harper! Well done. Enjoy your walk.


Bev Dearin

Harper good luck with your walk, and when it feels tough reach up and grab Daddy or Granny's hand and they will get you to the end. Hugs from Canada.



Such a great thing you are doing, you should be very proud of yourself Harper.