Bayley Vincent

Total Raised


Total Distance


Distance Goal


Support My Walk for Mental Health Research

Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience symptoms of mental illness each year?

In fact, every day in Australia, 9 people will die by suicide.

Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. 

This October, I’ll be taking part in One Foot Forward to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide.

I'm walking to raise funds for Black Dog Institute, so that they can put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

It would mean so much to me if you donated to support my walk.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

My impact over 2 years

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My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Robert Ioffrida

Enough to get you to your goal. Good luck with the 60km!


Tony Ingold

Nice one Bayley! Great cause.


Scott Bryce


Maree Sleeman

All the best Vincent - from Sleeman Consultancy


Sarah Hammoud

Amazing cause Bayls. Always have my support :)


Dean Riha

good cause and great effort mate.



Great cause mate! I wish all the best!


Brett Browning


Tim Phelps

Good luck Bayley, great cause


Warrick Atherton


Eric Kelly

Well done Bayley


Michelle Grosser

We back you Bayley! Go you good thing.


Aaron Smith

Well done Bayley and thank you



Good luck Bayley


Lauren Salvage


Raul Baonza


Changkui Lai


Toni W


Bayley Vincent


Matthew Senescall

This is a fabulous endeavour! Good luck (at first I thought you might have to walk 60km on one leg!)


Rianna Greeves

Good on you, Bayley!


Paula Kloots


Matt Broom

Fantastic initiative, Thanks Bayley!


Rachel Lowe