The Fit, The Fat, And The Funny

Team Members


Total Raised


Total Distance


Distance Goal


Fighting some kinda fight!

Anyone who knows me, knows that for the last 6 months, I have been left fighting my own odds on my weight loss journey. I'd love to say I've loved every hurdle and that can wake up each morning, feeling like a new person.... that just isn't the case. Anyone who REALLY knows me, knows that for the last 28 years, I've been in the ring, bare knuckle boxing... with my own mental health. Loosing weight is hard work. Your body aches, your stomach screams. Every day you fight a battle against yourself, in the hopes the scales tip, just alittle in your favour. Every step, every rep, every meal has tested my mind but I'm lucky, see... I've been out running my thoughts my whole life. The only thing more exhausting then having a mental illness, is pretending that you don't. Like weightloss, there's no quick pill or cheat day that I've found that makes the blood sweat and tears any easier to swallow. Healing and health take time. I'm still on journey for both. 1 in 5 of us will experience symptoms of mental illness in any given year. In Australia that’s around 5 million people. And roughly 60% of these people won’t seek help and I've been one of them. The black dog Institute is the only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the whole span of life and their aim is to create a mentally healthier world for everyone... This October I’m continuing my fitness journey by making my steps count and I will be walking in solidarity for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide... because I'm one of them! Every step of the 100kms I aim to walk, is a step towards hope, understanding, and compassion. I'm raising funds to support those who need it and the people who want to make them feel less alone. Below is a link to my fundrasing page. If you can give alittle, I'd appreciate it! If not, give her a share but remember I always buy the first beer and you probably owe me one 😉 I'll be doing this walk with my girls Karen Dehne & Tameeka Goble , so if you'd like to also support our team "The Fit, The Fat and The Funny" you'll see our link on my profile. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way and so thanks for coming along with me! Cheers! Georgia Rose

Support Our Walk for Mental Health Research

Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience symptoms of mental illness each year?

In fact, every day in Australia, 9 people will die by suicide.

Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. 

This October, our team will be taking part in One Foot Forward to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide.

We’re walking to raise funds for Black Dog Institute, so that they can put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

It would mean so much to me if you donated to support our walk.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


Lyn Burman

You go girl❤️





You got this!!such a great effort!!


Merilyn Campbell


David L Salter

Good luck Georgia Hope all is well And congratulations for been so strong


The Walles


Allira Wilson

keep pounding the pavement!! tremendous effort girls 🫶🏼🫶🏼


Kim Usher


Kristie Martin

A tenner for each of you!! Just to get you started!! You are an amazing woman! One step forward is exactly that- a step forward. Loved your words. I think we all have our own black dog. Some choose to ignore it or just don’t know how to handle it. Keep up your amazing journey! And what cool chicks to be doing this with ♥️


Melissa Hatty

Love your honesty and courage always 💕