Join us for


the walk for mental health

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October is Mental Health Month

Join us to walk, run or roll in solidarity for the 1 in 5 Australians who experience a mental illness each year.

Together, we can show them they are not alone.

Register now

How It Works

1. Sign Up

Sign up (for FREE) and join our community to walk in solidarity throughout October.

2. Share

Share your page and raise funds to help Australians impacted by mental illness.

3. Walk

Walk, run or roll and log your kms throughout October for Mental Health Month.

Walking Together. Standing Together. Stronger Together.

 9,835 people walking in solidarity

$597,424 raised for mental health

Mental Health stats in Australia

1 in 5

Australians experience a mental illness each year


people in Australia die by suicide every day


of people living with mental illness will not seek professional help

Let's show people with mental illness that we're in this together.
Funds raised will help Black Dog Institute put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

Register now for One Foot Forward 2024

Join our community to create better mental health for all Australians.

Register now

Paul Rudd takes part in One Foot Forward every year:

"I went through a bad patch with my mental health when I hurt my back and I needed a lot of time off to recover. I had limited mobility, so I started to lose contact with the outside world. Then I lost interest in doing anything at all. My mind just clouded all positive thoughts.

It took me two years to rebuild myself. So when I heard about One Foot Forward I decided to take part. I wanted to connect with other people who had been through something similar.

“The community is a big, supportive family.”

To anyone thinking about taking part in One Foot Forward, I say ‘Do it!’. You get to enjoy the fresh air and get your blood moving. It’s also a fun community thing. Above all, it helps raise funds and awareness that help is out there if you need support for your mental health.”

Register now and join Paul in One Foot Forward 2024.

Solidarity Wall

Kelly McGrath

My reasons for participating are two-fold. Firstly, I manage a free, not-for-profit mental health referral service in the Isaac region (and some surrounding areas) and support people in their mental health journey every single day. Secondly, I have my own lived experience of mental health. I have always had anxiety, I have PTSD, and have experienced several periods of significant depression in my life. The worst depressive episode I had was 2020 - 2022. I could barely get out of bed. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, couldn't concentrate, couldn't stop crying, and could barely function. Coupled with having up to 20 panic attacks per day, this was honestly one of the lowest times of my life. I needed a LOT of psychology, and I needed medication, and thanks to my amazing supportive husband, daughters, family, and friends, I've come through the other side. For me, being able to access quality mental health without a huge wait made a world of difference to me. I am walking for myself, for my clients, and for anyone who has struggled with poor mental health.

Toni Schoof

I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone.


I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone. I know first hand that the struggle is real and, but no one has to ever do it alone :)


I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone. I suffer mental health issues daily. Lucky for me I have a great support team


I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone.


I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone.

Jess A tribute for Lachie

This October I'll be walking in memory of my great friend Lachie, to raise awareness for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. My hope is to spread awareness so others can source the help needed, because you are not alone x


I’m walking in solidarity this October for Australians affected by mental illness and suicide. You are not alone.