I want to break free from mental health

Team Members


Total Raised


Total Distance


Distance Goal


What is depression

❤️‍🩹 My Dad was a man who believed you had to have suffered something traumatic in life to be “depressed” and didn’t believe he fit in that category, we all tried to explain to him that he was severely depressed We watched as his mental health declined and his pain worsen as he got more and more depressed. My Dads mental health took a turn earlier this year after having double bypass heart surgery in December of 2022 🫀Dad went into surgery for a triple bypass and a stent was to be put on his heart, however when they went in they replaced the aortic valve and decided on a double bypass and that a triple wasn’t necessary even though the cardiologist told him that the main artery that lead to his stomach was 50% blocked and this was the cause of his gut problems, and no stent was input Dad was so relieved that they had finally found the cause and he would start living and not just existing There was particular cardiologist that said to dad, before his surgery “This is a good result Garry I'm happy for you, You will be a new man after the surgery!!” Dad was so relieved and hopeful the surgery would help with his chronic stomach pains. Upon waking he had learned that they did not unblock the artery to his stomach as it wasn’t necessary. Dad’s fear of the pain returning started to consume him, we tried to reassure him to focus on his recovery and not worry about the stomach pains However Only After a few wks of recovery the stomach pains did in fact return My Dad advocated for himself with Constant doctors appointments and check ups but they still could not find what the cause was and referred him to pain management All this had taken a toll on his mental health as he was losing hope in the system that we all trust will help us. ❤️‍🩹 On the 20th of July my brother inlaw had sat with my Dad all day as he shared the fears that he was feeling and what he could do to stop the pain, doing something sinister towards himself. ❤️‍🩹 My brother in law having a true understanding himself of his own demons, that he battled with and what dad was going through, did not feel it was right to leave dad alone with his demons. He sat with him Listening to the help line call and 000 calls that dad made asking for help To only hear that they dismissed him and deemed his actions as a “Cry for help” and he was not an immediate issue as he was of no danger in that moment to himself or others. 💔 On the 22nd of July he lost his battle with the demon and pain I am raising funds to go towards helping others to get better systems in place to help those who need it For the whole month of October 🚶🏻‍♀️🚴‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ I am walking/riding/running to raise awareness for people to be aware what mental and physical effects depression can do to your body. In the loving memory of my Dad Garry James Pascoe 🫙 Every little bit counts If you could spare a few dollars I would be so grateful I am so close to my target https://www.onefootforward.org.au/fundraisers/michellecashmore190993/one-foot-forward

Support Our Walk for Mental Health Research

Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience symptoms of mental illness each year?

In fact, every day in Australia, 9 people will die by suicide.

Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. 

This October, our team will be taking part in One Foot Forward to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide.

We’re walking to raise funds for Black Dog Institute, so that they can put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

It would mean so much to me if you donated to support our walk.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors


The Mcleish Family


Luke Cashmore

A very special donation for a very special reason. With LOVE ❤️


Jodie & Dean


Jack Tanner



I am so very proud of you.. your amazing ❤️


Tanya Train


Bryce Halls


Facebook Donation


Michelle Donnini

Thinking of you all. Xxxx


Maddi & Ryan Mcrostie

So proud of you Moo, of the person you’ve become and the person you’re being. Love ya! Xx


Deborah & Kenny Grogan

Thank you for sharing Michelle, you’ve got this. Thinking of you all xxx


Isabel Low

So proud of you Charlie 💛💛💛


Janine & Jon Halls



Shannon Beeston



Febe J

We need more voices to speak for men’s mental health. I hope you find healing through your inexplicable grief.


Facebook Donation


Natalie Parente


Lynne Pyers

You can do this !! Go team . A great cause to get behind


Concept Studios Of Performing Arts


Peter And Linda Wade

Love you Jaimee


Steph Couper


Shannon Beeston

I’m so proud of you all and what a fantastic cause to bring awareness to mental health. As you know like many of us I to have experienced the heartbreak of the mental health of my loved ones so here a little bit to get you started 😘 Garry will be walking alongside you all I’m sure 🥰 love you all xx





Shelby Bengtsson


Facebook Donation


Amy Green

Big love to you my girl xx


Safety Mate Matched Contribution


Kim Birthisel

You are amazing. Cheering you on


Jacquie Merritt



Love you xx



You are amazing Charlotte, so proud of you xx


Tricia Mifsud

You are amazing Pasc 🤍


Jaden Busuttil


Lauren Hart

Amazing work Alvin ❤️


Lisa Mckay

So proud of you sweetheart


Mcmahon Family



You and Alivin are amazing Jaimee. Love what your doing xo


Kathryn Cornish

Love you darl x


The Dunleavy Family



A change is needed.


Tahi And Rocket Low


Mick Holmes


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Felicity Hardy

What a legacy, you are to your father! Bless you beautiful girl ❤️🙏🏻


Skye Dunning


Jaysen And Brooke Crocker


Carmel Parissis

Sending love and support


Melissa Duhig


Sharon Pascoe


Leigh Evans

Love to you Charlotte


Jacqui Pascoe


Laura Caine

Your Dad would be so proud of you Moo xx


Greg Mcleod

Good luck Alvin, very important cause


Fi, Joe And Wade

We support you every step of the way and always Moo, you're making a difference! You've got this! X


Chelsey Quilliam



Kellie Dawson


Anthony Smith


Michelle Cashmore



We are behind you all the way !!


Bianca Low


Emily Mcadam



Michelle French

I think you are incredible Alvin xxxx


Nat Deane

An incredible woman on an inspiring mission. Well done for championing this important topic. Your Dad would be proud I’m sure.


Bec & Kosta





Emma Smale


Sheree Sullivan


Gwendolyn Cashmore

Reaching out to connect


Lucy Petruccelle

Big love Choccy 🤍


Facebook Donation



Your beautiful father is a shining light to many Michelle. And I’m so grateful that he left us with the magic and love that is you, his daughter Michelle. Thank you for bringing awareness to this cause. I understand how hard it can be. Your dad is so proud hun.xx


Cheryl Edwards

Well done Moo You should be so proud of yourself


Amanda Jones

You go girl xx


Renee Jeffery

Biggest hugs. Thank you for sharing your story. <3


Marissa Cashmore

You are incredibly brave Michelle.


Jade Opie



Bianca Dinardo

Lots of love and strength to you Amanda! You’re amazing 🧡🧡


Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson


Sarah Wilson


Nikki Racovalis


Sarah Wilson


Caitlyn Harrison



Dion Harris



Good on you for taking one step forward ❤️


Stacey Norbury




You're an absolute star Alvin 🌟


Alicia Allen

Big love ❤️ to you xoxo Stay strong and remember how proud your dad would be of you 🥰


Molly Jarvie





Not much but I fully support you xxx


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