Luke Chambers

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From Grief to Action: Join Me in Supporting Mental Health Research

Having personally experienced profound grief and mental health challenges after losing my sisters in the Black Saturday fires and facing the medically unexplained stillbirth of my daughter Skye, I daily understand the deep impact trauma can have.

Mental health is a pressing issue that affects countless individuals and families. Each year, 1 in 5 Australians experience mental illness, with 9 lives lost to suicide daily. In this era of global pandemics, climate change, and conflict, the need for effective mental health solutions is more urgent than ever. 

This October, I’m participating in One Foot Forward to start more conversations with my friends, set an example to my kids about small steps making big change, and raise funds for Black Dog Institute, supporting innovative treatments and vital resources. Your donations will help bring essential mental health services to those in need. Together, we can foster a healthier future for all Australians.

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