Narelle rusk

Narelle Rusk

Message of Support

We go into this together, and walk side by side.

Total Raised


Total Distance


Distance Goal


Support My Walk for Mental Health Research

Did you know that 1 in 5 Australians experience symptoms of mental illness each year?

In fact, every day in Australia, 9 people will die by suicide.

Mental illness can be debilitating and can have a devastating impact on not only those living with it, but those around them. 

This October, I’ll be taking part in One Foot Forward to help reduce the impact of mental illness and suicide.

I'm walking to raise funds for Black Dog Institute, so that they can put ground-breaking new mental health treatment, education, and digital services into the hands of the people who need them most.

It would mean so much to me if you donated to support my walk.

Together, we can create better mental health for all Australians.

My Updates

My reason why

Earlier this year I had to take some time out of everything as I was struggling just to get through each day. Fortunately I was at a place where I could afford to do this and check in regularly during this time with my psych to make sure I didn’t decline. Initially I had requested 2 weeks off from work but this extended to 3 weeks as I couldn’t face going back. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. Since then I’ve had less bouts of depression and anxiety and am moving back into the world of the living again. 
I am taking part in this walk this year, firstly to tell my story so others don’t feel so alone, and secondly, to raise some funds so others less fortunate than I are able to give themselves this space to learn to breathe again.
I really hope to see my friends join me in my walks and share this challenge to get the word out there. 

My impact over 1 year

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My Achievements

Thank you to my Sponsors


Leanne Middleton-vagg

Looking forward to the costumes.


Cheshire Cat


Narelle Rusk


Facebook Donation


Xin Hu

Love you and the work you do to support mental health


Steve Mac

Onya rusky


Stacey O'keefe